Snyder Lane, Rohnert Park, CA 94928

The key to a healthy smile is cleaning in between teeth.

Brushing your teeth should be your first priority when it comes to keeping your mouth healthy. The foundation of a healthy smile is brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, but interdental cleaning is a small addition that may significantly improve the health of your mouth.

Although brushing your teeth is the best method for maintaining their cleanliness, it only covers 60% of their surface. One of the simplest and most crucial things you can do to improve your smile is to use interdental brushes to clean in between the spaces between your teeth.

The significance of interdental cleaning

In areas between teeth that are inaccessible to a toothbrush, dental plaque can accumulate.

This can eventually result in gum disease, teeth decay, and foul breath. Using an interdental brush as part of your regular cleaning regimen is a smart way to avoid this.

A tiny brush made specifically to clean in between your teeth—where a standard toothbrush cannot reach—is called an interdental brush. In addition to routine tooth brushing, using an interdental brush every day is a simple and efficient method to maintain the health and freshness of your teeth and gums.

Cleaning in between your teeth is advised daily to maintain a healthy and fresh mouth.

Your gums may bleed and feel a little uncomfortable when you first start cleaning in between your teeth, but do not stop since bleeding gums are frequently an indication of gum inflammation. Get in touch with your dentist if, after a few days, you do not see any change.

Choosing the appropriate size

It might be challenging to choose which of the several sizes of interdental brushes is best for your mouth.

Ask a dentist for their advise for the greatest guidance. Here are some pointers to get you going in the interim.


· The brush should fit snugly, but the wire—despite being covered in plastic—should not come into contact with the gums or the sides of the teeth. The brush should never be forced into space.

· After inserting, move the interdental brush back and forth two to three times in its whole length. Once a day, take sure to clean all of the crevices between your teeth.

·. The good news is that learning how to use interdental brushes is not too difficult. It is a lifelong, healthy habit once you get the hang of it.

1. Brush the space between the front teeth with a straight interdental brush.

Gently place the brush in between the teeth. Choose a smaller size or work the brush in softly rather than pushing it into the region.

Make several full-length back-and-forth motions with the interdental brush.

2. If brushing the back teeth with a little interdental brush

A little interdental brush can be used to gently bend the delicate neck. Reaching between the back teeth is made simpler by applying pressure with your finger. Or use an interdental brush with a long handle.

3. If brushing the rear teeth with a larger interdental brush

Curving the wire slightly can help enhance access between the rear teeth when using bigger interdental brushes. Avoid bending or straightening the interdental brush at an angle that can shorten its lifespan. cleaning between teeth