Snyder Lane, Rohnert Park, CA 94928

Five tooth-healthy foods

A nutritious diet is beneficial for your teeth as well as your general health. Your smile will look better the healthier you eat! Here are five meals that are good for your teeth:

1. Apples
A daily apple might help prevent gum disease and cavities! Apples are a great snack for your teeth because of their fibrous structure. Chewing an apple stimulates your gums, which helps to lessen the germs that can lead to cavities. Because it neutralizes the acids in your mouth and removes food particles that may develop into plaque and tartar if they are allowed to remain on or between your teeth, saliva is essential for maintaining the health of your teeth.

2. Almonds
Because almonds are abundant in calcium and protein and low in sugar, they make a great snack for your teeth. This combination lowers your risk of cavities and maintains the strength of your teeth. To wipe out any particles that could remain in your mouth after eating the handful of almonds, make sure you drink water both during and after.

3. Cruciferous vegetables and leafy greens
Vegetables like kale, spinach, broccoli, and cauliflower are known to be beneficial to your health and immune system, but did you know that they are also excellent for your gums and tooth enamel? The critical vitamins and minerals found in leafy greens, such as calcium, vitamin C, phosphorus, and folic acid, can help reduce inflammation in the gums. Folic acid is also essential for women who are attempting to conceive or who are in the early stages of pregnancy in order to help prevent spina bifida in their unborn child.

4. Carrots
Additionally, crunching carrots increases salivation. Additionally, they are rich in beta-carotene and fiber, both of which are necessary for the synthesis of vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for the formation and remineralization of dental enamel in your mouth.

5. Cheese
Cheese is another delicious, tooth-healthy snack because it contains a lot of calcium and a protein called casein, which protects teeth from acids and bacteria that may cause decay. Additionally, cheese promotes salivation and aids in the replacement of vital minerals in dental enamel.

Feel free to ask us during your next visit if you require any further information.