Have you ever had a painful, white spot within your mouth, maybe on the inside of your cheek or tongue? This was probably a canker sore.
Quickly and naturally getting rid of canker sores can be challenging for some people.
These are simple remedies that anybody may follow to help get rid of canker sores fast.
Small, shallow sores on the interior of the mouth are known as canker sores or aphthous ulcers. The inner cheek, the surface of the tongue, and even the gum tissue are where they most frequently show up.
The delicate white inner surface of these excruciating open sores often has a scarlet ring of inflammation surrounding it.
It is useful to first quickly address the conditions that lead to the development of canker sores in order to comprehend how to naturally remove them. In this manner, we can attempt to steer clear of them in the future.
The underlying cause of canker sores has not yet been identified by Western medicine. It has, however, discovered a number of risk factors that might raise the likelihood of getting these bothersome sores.
Principal triggers
The following are the primary causes of canker sores:
- Lack of certain nutrients
- Anxiety
- foods that are acidic
- Biting injuries to the cheek, braces, or poorly fitted dentures
- Intolerances or allergies to foods
- Problems with gut malabsorption
- Inadequate dental care
As you can see, canker sores appear when the body experiences stress of any kind, including physical, nutritional, or psychological damage.
What are some quick ways to get rid of canker sores?
Using techniques “in the mouth” as well as “whole body immune support” is frequently necessary to navigate the route to good dental health.
Eliminating canker sores is no exception.
A number of “in the mouth” and system-wide tactics are included below to assist you on your journey.
We begin with a few more basic tactics. You might want to try some of the latter suggestions as well if you want to “step up your game” when it comes to treating and avoiding canker sores (or if you’re driven by some severe discomfort from frequent flare-ups).
Be sure to keep your mouth shut.
Maintaining a clean, but not sterile, mouth and regulating our dental flora are key components of good oral hygiene.
Since some of the bacteria in our mouths promote our health, the objective is not to completely destroy them and create a “scorched earth” effect.
Rather, our goal is to employ oral hygiene products and techniques that lessen the possibility of “thug bugs” growing in the mouth. Why? In addition to being linked to problems like gum disease and tooth decay, these hooligan bugs also promote an acidic oral pH, which hinders the healing of canker sores.
The best ways to lower the amount of thug bugs and promote good oral health are to learn how to wash your teeth, floss mindfully, and clean your tongue.
It’s also critical to utilize products that have just components intended to nourish, heal, and soothe—no coloring, fillers, or other unnecessary substances that might irritate the mouth or body.
Oil pulling is another (old) method that promotes a balanced oral pH and keeps the mouth clean. An whole essay, “How oil pulling helps improve oral health and whole-body wellness,” was devoted to this time-tested oral hygiene technique.
We encourage you to download our Ultimate Oil Pulling Guidebook for free here if you want to learn more about oil pulling, including when it’s appropriate to perform it and how to do it correctly.
Eat mindfully.
Make sure you chew with more awareness if you have an area on your cheek where you frequently chomp, as this can quickly result in a canker sore later.
One popular approach to raise your chance of unintentionally biting your cheek (or tongue—OUCH) is to eat while reading or watching TV.
The chance of getting a canker sore in that place increases significantly after a bite traumatizes the tissue.
Cut back on meals that are acidic.
Speaking of eating, cutting less on acidic foods can help balance the pH of the mouth, which promotes the healing of canker sores.
When a platter of ripe pineapple is in the home, I have to be mindful since I’ve discovered that eating more than a few slices increases my chance of developing canker sores.
We encourage you to read our post on how to drink kombucha without damaging your teeth if you enjoy eating naturally acidic foods because they have an alkalinizing effect on the body. In it, we offer advice on how to take advantage of foods that are inherently acidic (such as apple cider vinegar or lemon water) without causing oral harm.
Reduce your consumption of sugar significantly.
Consuming sugar can contribute to canker sores and a host of other whole-body problems. It causes the pH of the tongue to become acidic, increases stress by causing blood sugar fluctuations, adds to nutritional deficiencies, and directly impairs our body’s capacity to repair itself.
This is particularly true with sugary, in-between-meal snacks (and drinks!), which raise blood sugar levels and stifle our need for actual food, eventually leading to increased nutritional deficiencies.
Cut the candy if you must choose just one action from this list.
Cut out wheat and other items that contain gluten from your diet.
Researchers have discovered an intriguing link between celiac disease, IBD (irritable bowel condition), and semi-regular canker sores.
Since the mouth is where the digestive tract begins, a canker sore is an ulcer in the mouth.
Therefore, it stands to reason that canker sores in the mouth might indicate something “downstream” in the small intestine if you are sensitive to gluten, which is the case for those who have either IBD or celiac disease.
Finishing up…
If you get canker sores on a frequent basis, record the triggers that appear to put your system under stress.
You may assist stop unpleasant canker sores from recurring by avoiding triggers such as meals or other stimuli that may cause imbalance.