Snyder Lane, Rohnert Park, CA 94928


Everybody is welcome to come to our office. If this is your first visit, your dentist will spend some time getting to know you and building trust with you after you fill out a few forms. This is an important step because it helps us better serve you by learning about your past and your oral health goals.

Mission Statement

We want to give people in our community great dental care and services while also making sure they are in a safe and professional space.

Some forms to fill out

You will need to fill out some forms on your first visit. To get your visit over with faster, just fill out these forms and bring them to your appointment:

You’ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to be able to see or print these forms. Use this link to get it.

What to Expect on Your First Visit

We welcome all new guests with open arms at our office! My dentist will take the time to get to know you and build trust with you during your first visit. This helps us understand your general goals for oral health and give you more specialized care. We will take a number of digital x-rays to check your mouth health after carefully going over your medical and dental background. After that, we’ll work with you to make a treatment plan that fits your specific goals and needs.