Snyder Lane, Rohnert Park, CA 94928

Relationship between Fluoride and Children’s IQ

An ideal fluoride concentration in water is proven to be safe and beneficial in reducing tooth decay in adults and children by at least 25%. However, the amount of fluoride in water affects a child’s IQ.

A passage from the “American Academy of Pediatrics” is cited.

The mean urinary fluoride levels of women who lived in regions with fluoridated tap water were higher than those of women who lived in areas without fluoridated tap water (0.69 vs. 0.40 milligrams per liter, or a difference of approximately 0.30 mg/L). A whole 1 milligram per liter rise in maternal urine fluoride was linked to a 4.5-point decrease in boys’ Performance IQ scores, according to adjusted data. For girls, there was no statistically significant correlation. For both boys and girls, every milligram of fluoride taken daily was associated with a 3.7-point decrease in IQ in the group for which self-reported fluoride consumption from all sources was assessed.

Questions concerning fluoride consumption during pregnancy were raised by the aforementioned study.

Is fluoridated water safe for pregnant women to consume?

Yes, is the response.

Fluoridated toothpaste is advised for pregnant women by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, which emphasizes the need of maintaining excellent dental health.

The American Dental Association is still in favor of fluoridating municipal water supplies as a way to assist reduce tooth decay and promote public health.

According to the findings, some pregnant women may need to cut back on their fluoride intake.

According to the findings, some pregnant women may need to cut back on their fluoride intake.

What can we infer from this research?

When fluoridation is used at the appropriate levels, it still has a significant role in safely avoiding dental disease. Millions of school hours are wasted annually due to dental problems. Tooth decay increases a child’s risk of experiencing discomfort that interferes with eating, sleeping, and learning in school. No matter where they live, work, or play, Americans may benefit from fluoride’s ability to prevent cavities just by drinking water.